
Georgia Log Cabin supports bill against trans surgeries, medication for minors

March 17, 2023 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

States across the country are enacting laws to prohibit certain medical procedures performed on children and teenagers. In Georgia, the bill to enact a similar law is SB 140. Georgia Log Cabin Republicans thank legislators for thoughtfully approaching this sensitive issue to protect the most innocent among us.

SB 140 seeks to curtail procedures like surgical removal of body parts and chemical modification of body processes that affect children for the remainder of their lives. It is plainly reasonable for a child not to be subjected to these procedures when they can wait until adulthood to begin gender transition.

Early transitions also affect the lives of children who would otherwise reach adulthood having outgrown their dysphoria. Even those with lasting dysphoria can be treated without resorting to drastic procedures at an early age. It is incontrovertible that with appropriate psychological care, children who desire to live as the opposite sex can have healthy childhoods.

Georgia Log Cabin Republicans joins parents, advocates, and professionals in encouraging legislators to engage with parents, medical professionals, dysphoric individuals, transitioned individuals, and de-transitioned individuals to pass a law that protects children from being needlessly subjected to drastic medical procedures.